Languguage OS 2
Languguage OS II Version 10-94 (Knowledge Media)(1994).ISO
Text File
92 lines
* $RCSfile: 332scall.equ $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 90/03/12 13:45:34 $
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* Module Name: 332SCALL - MC68332 332Bug System Calls
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* Description:
* 1. This file contains EQUates and the SYSCALL macro to support
* the MC68332 Business Card Computer (BCC) monitor program,
* 332Bug version 1.01. Consult the "M68332BUG Debug Monitor
* User's Manual", part number M68332BUG/AD1, for more details.
* Notes:
* 1. Motorola reserves the right to make changes to this file.
* Although this file has been carefully reviewed and is
* believed to be reliable, Motorola does not assume any
* liability arising out of its use. This code may be freely
* used and/or modified at no cost or obligation to the user.
* 2. All descriptions are WORD values unless stated otherwise.
* 3. This file was made for use with the Motorola Development
* Systems M68000 Family Structured Assembler for MS-DOS,
* known as M68MASM.
* 4. To use this file, either use an INCLUDE statement or just
* merge this file into your source code file. Consult your
* assembler's user's manual for the details specific to your
* situation.
* 5. Because equate files can generate many listing pages,
* the user may wish to disable the listing via NOLIST and
* LIST directives before and after the INCLUDE statements.
* 6. The latest version of this file is maintained on the
* Motorola FREEWARE Bulletin Board, 512/891-FREE (512/891-
* 3733). It operates continuously (except for maintenance)
* at 1200-2400 baud, 8-bits, no parity. Download the
* archive file 332EQU.ARC to get all the files.
* System Call Macro:
* Syntax: SYSCALL <routine name>
* where: <routine name> is the bit name to be defined.
* Action:
* Assembles the TRAP #15 instruction followed by the define constant
* for the routine name specified.
* Notes:
* 1. Additional parameters, if any, are passed on the stack. Consult
* the individual system call routine descriptions for details.
TRAP #15
DC.W \1
* 332Bug System Call Routine Equates
.INCHR EQU $0000 Input character
.INSTAT EQU $0001 Input serial port status
.INLN EQU $0002 Input line (pointer/pointer format)
.READSTR EQU $0003 Input string (pointer/count format)
.READLN EQU $0004 Input line (pointer/count format)
.CHKBRK EQU $0005 Check for break
.OUTCHR EQU $0020 Output character
.OUTSTR EQU $0021 Output string (pointer/pointer format)
.OUTLN EQU $0022 Output line (pointer/pointer format)
.WRITE EQU $0023 Output string (pointer/count format)
.WRITELN EQU $0024 Output line (pointer/count format)
.WRITDLN EQU $0025 Output line with data (pointer/count format)
.PCRLF EQU $0026 Output carriage return and line feed
.ERASLN EQU $0027 Erase line
.WRITD EQU $0028 Output string with data (pointer/count format)
.SNDBRK EQU $0029 Send break
.TM_INI EQU $0040 Timer initialization
.TM_STR0 EQU $0041 Start timer at T=0
.TM_RD EQU $0042 Read timer
.DELAY EQU $0043 Timer delay function
.RETURN EQU $0063 Return to 332Bug
.BINDEC EQU $0064 Convert binary to Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
.CHANGEV EQU $0067 Parse value
.STRCMP EQU $0068 Compare two strings (pointer/count format)
.MULU32 EQU $0069 Multiply two 32-bit unsigned integers
.DIVU32 EQU $006A Divide two 32-bit unsigned integers